MATLAB: Radon Transform reducing the number of parallel beams

embedded matlab function

I am trying to understand different filters' and other things' effects on Radon Transform by using MATLAB. First I upload an image, then take its Radon transform with radon function and then reconstruct it with iradon function.
Now I wanted to see the difference between undersampling the projection data by reducing the number of parallel beams by a factor of 4 and reducing the number of rotation angles by a factor of 4. However according to what I understood from radon and iradon functions' descriptions, I can only change the number of rotation angles. Is not it true? If not, what is the way to do it?
Here is what I do to decrease the number of rotation angles by a factor of 4:
I = imread ('asdasd.tif');
Rad = radon (img,0:4:179);
I_ram = iradon(Rad,0:4:179,'linear','Ram-Lak');
I_ham = iradon(Rad,0:4:179,'linear','Hamming');

Best Answer

I = imread ('asdasd.tif');
Rad = radon (img,0:4:179);
I_ram = iradon(Rad,0:4:179,'linear','Ram-Lak',N);
I_ham = iradon(Rad,0:4:179,'linear','Hamming',N);
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