MATLAB: Radix 2 disspation in frequency


Best Answer

Zhao - I think the problem may be due to trying to calculate the even and odd terms in your inner for loop (perhaps to improve computation time). If I remember correctly, the DFT (without a shift) can be simplified to just
X = zeros(N,1);
for k=0:N-1
innerSum = 0;
for n=0:N-1
innerSum = innerSum + x(n+1)*(cos(2*pi*n*k/N) - 1i*sin(2*pi*n*k/N));
X(k+1) = innerSum;
where X is your sum_all. But note how as we iterate from 0 to N - 1 in the inner for loop, that the factor x(n+1) is used but use n within the cos and sin function calls. That is not the case in your code where we have factors of 2n or 2n-1 but use just n within the cos and sin. I also don't understand why divide the N by two or the other factor for the sum_odd(k) terms of
Please clarify why these extra steps are being made.
If you do use the above simplified DFT code, then we will observe the frequency at 300 Hz if we do
f = (0:N-1)*(Fs/N);
which is still very similar to what you have written.
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