MATLAB: Radio Buttons – Where can I find documentation

guideMATLABmatlab gui

I am trying to use GUIDE for various things. After not having used it for over a year, I can't believe the simple things that I forgot. For example, to make multiple radio buttons in one button group, I thought you just added entries to the 'String' and 'Value' parameters in the GUIDE building area but that didn't really work for me.
I'm wondering if there is documentation for how to use the different types of objects in GUIDE (Like radio buttons) somewhere.
I tried 'help guide' and 'help uibuttongroup' and I didn't quite find what I wanted. I want to use get(handles. ) and set(handles. ) to do everything. I just don't know which parameters to change to, for example, increase the number of options withing a group of radio buttons

Best Answer is a link you can look at. if you look on the right hand side in the contents you should be able to find everything you're looking for.
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