MATLAB: Radio Buttons in MATLAB GUI not able to set value of parameter in SIMULINK model


Here is the code I am trying to implement to set the parameter value in SIMULINK model using GUI.
unction radiobutton_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
val = get(hObject,'Value');
if val == 1
set_param([bdroot '/parameter_name'],'Value',800)
It gives me following error:
Invalid setting in Constant block 'parameter_name' for parameter 'Value'
Can anyone help me with this?
I also tried to use 'Constant' in place of 'Value' in the statement-
set_param([bdroot '/parameter_name'],'Constant',800)
but then it give this error:
Constant block does not have a parameter named 'Constant'

Best Answer

I do not know, but experiment with
set_param([bdroot '/parameter_name'],'Value','800')
Here the parameter has been changed to string.
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