MATLAB: Radio button option group adding space to end of string property

guideMATLABoption groupstring property

When I use findobj to search for a radio button in an option group based on each button's String property, I keep getting empty sets.
h = findobj(handle.optionGroup, 'String', strVariable);
I have discovered that a space character is being added to the end of the String of the buttons, so findobj never can match it to my variable. I have manuallly checked the property window multiple times for each button, and there are no extra spaces at the end of their strings.
Why does this happen?

Best Answer

Thank you for the quick reply, Walter. I will consider your cell-array tip in the future for a more robust GUI.
Just before your email arrived, I solved it. I went to the zoom box for the String property of each radio button, highlighted from the "bottom" to the last 2 characters of the entered string, hit delete, then retyped the last 2 characters. I guess some kind of hidden character (line feed?) was added to the end of the strings, so my odd method removed it.
Thanks again for your time.
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