MATLAB: Radial Basis Function help

Deep Learning Toolboxnewrb

i have dataset of Earthquake , which has 295 rows and 9 columns.i have made input as DataSetIn which has 295 rows and 8 columns whie Output as DataSetOut 295 rows and 1 columns .Code gives error on newrb.Code is as follow
inputs = DataSetIn'; % 8x295
outputs = DataSetOut; % 295x1
error "internal dimentions must agree".

Best Answer

Seemab - according to the documentation for newrb, the input matrices P and T (your inputs and outputs) must be a R-by-Q matrix of Q input vectors and a S-by-Q matrix of Q target class vectors respectively. You may want to transpose the outputs array so that it has the same number of columns as inputs
inputs = DataSetIn'; % 8x295
outputs = DataSetOut'; % 1x295