MATLAB: Radar signal detection in matlab


I am doing my master thesis in radar signal detection based on multiple hypothesis testing problem on the complex measured vector recorded by the radar during the ToT(time on target) , It is made up by a whitening-matched filter (matched to p ,where p is target steering vector of the form p(n)=exp(j2*pi*f*n)).I have a complex Gaussian noise signal with length (5000*1) ,to find covariance matrix from it.also I have radar_received signal with length (5000*1).But I don't know how to implement this matlab, and how to deal with these signals in matlab.

Best Answer

You need a higher dimensional matrix in order to calculate covariance. Covariance is the generalization of variance to higher dimensions, so if you only have a vector all you can get out is a single scalar, the variance.
Are you sure you want to take a covariance of the vector, rather than some kind of autocorrelation? If you are looking for patterns in the noise, then I don't think covariance is the right tool.