MATLAB: R2105a crashing after sleep/display unplug on Yosemite

complete crashexternal displaymac os x 10.10MATLABr2015asleep modeyosemite

after my Macbook Pro running OS X 10.10 Yosemite returns from sleep mode or after unplugging and plugging back in an external display, R2015a crashes completely, doesn't show any windows at all, only says "Application not responding" in the dock. I'm not quite sure yet whether this has to do with the sleep mode and/or the display thing, since it only happens randomly. I'll support more information once I'm sure about the event causing this issue and would like to hear in the meantime if anybody else has this problem.

Best Answer

There is a known issue with attaching/detaching external displays on a Mac:
As mentioned in the linked MATLAB Answers page, I'd recommend contacting MathWorks Tech Support if further help is needed.
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