MATLAB: R2018b real times complex multiplication


I just installed R2018b alongside an existing 2017b installation. I'm getting a puzzling result with execution speed as follows:
>> version
ans =
' (R2018b)'
>> X = randn( 5000, 5000 ); y = randn( 5000, 1 ) * i;
>> tic; X * y; toc
Elapsed time is 0.237362 seconds.
>> version
ans =
' (R2017b)'
>> X = randn( 5000, 5000 ); y = randn( 5000, 1 ) * i;
>> tic; X * y; toc
Elapsed time is 0.010306 seconds.
These are running on the same PC at the same time. Why is R2018b nearly 24x slower with this operation than R2017b???

Best Answer

Probably related to the fact that complex variables changed to an interleaved storage format in R2018a. So my guess is this is what is happening:
R2017b: Only two calls to the BLAS real matrix*vector multiply routine are needed, the results being put into the real & imaginary parts of the output. I.e., one 5000x5000 * 5000x1 multiply for the real*real part and another 5000x5000 * 5000x1 multiply for the real*imag part. Note that no data copying is needed prior to these calls, and the results can be used directly in the output variable without any additional copying needed.
R2018b: The real 5000x5000 matrix is probably first deep copied into an interleaved complex version, then one call to the BLAS complex matrix*vector multiply routine is used to produce the output. So, the extra work that this does over the R2017b version is the allocation for the temporary 5000x5000x2 matrix elements, the deep data copy of the 5000x5000 real matrix into the real part of that interleaved complex matrix, and then twice as much multiplying (5000x5000x2 elements * 5000x1x2 elements multiply).
My guess is the memory allocation and deep data copy is probably the biggest time killer, but I would have to do some tests to verify this. The actual multiply should only be about twice as slow.
So, if you know that downstream your 5000x5000 real matrix will be used to multiply by complex variables many times, it would be best to make it complex first up front so you only incur the temp allocation and deep data copy once.
This points out one advantage of the old separate storage format: You could mix and match real and complex variables in matrix multiply operations and accomplish all of it with multiple real BLAS matrix multiply calls without any data copying needed either before or after the operations. This is not true anymore as of R2018a.
EDIT 12/21/2018
Here are the results of some breakout timing tests
>> version
ans =
' (R2017b)'
>> computer
ans =
>> X = rand(7000,7000); y = rand(7000,1)*1i;
>> tic;X*y;toc
Elapsed time is 0.019165 seconds.
>> version
ans =
' (R2018a)'
>> computer
ans =
>> X = rand(7000,7000); y = rand(7000,1)*1i;
>> tic;X*y;toc
Elapsed time is 0.626945 seconds.
>> tic;C=complex(X);toc
Elapsed time is 0.579250 seconds.
>> tic;C*y;toc
Elapsed time is 0.023560 seconds.
So, as suspected, the bulk of the extra timing appears to be in the conversion of the large real matrix to complex interleaved format. The actual matrix multiply isn't that much more than the R2017b version.