MATLAB: R2018b / R2019a runs very slow on macOS 10.14


Edit: For me, the problem presists on R2019a.
Known Unsupported Thrid-party Applications:
Hi everyone,
I am using macOS 10.14 (Mojave) and just upgraded the MATLAB to R2018b yesterday and found a very strange problem. The editor runs EXTREMELY slow on my system and often freezes. When I click on somewhere on the editor or scrolling the view it usually takes 1-2 secs to response.
However, the strange point is, the problem only occurs when the MATLAB window is displayed on my external monitor. When I move the window to the macbook's internal monitor, everything is normal. And, the problem does not show on some specific files. I don't know if there are any features of those file, but if I make copies of those files, the problem may shows on the copies again.
I am not sure if it is a problem of MATLAB or my OS. How is the R2018b running on your systems?

Best Answer

There were instances of similar behavior in R2018b caused by the Magnet app. Turning it off should resolve the issue. Alternatively, you should be able to use keyboard shortcuts with no delays.
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