MATLAB: R2015a Robotics System Toolbox: Cannot subscribe to topics on Windows MATLAB node

echoRobotics System Toolboxrossubscribetopic

I have my roscore running on my Ubuntu machine which is running the Gazebo simulator. I configured the MATLAB node with the ROS_MASTER_URI environment variable and I can see the topics generated from the simulator using 'rostopic list' however I cannot subscribe or echo any of the topics on MATLAB. How do I fix this?

Best Answer

Please add the host name and IP address of your Ubuntu machine to the 'C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts' file. In the 'hosts' file add the IP address and host name as shown below.
For example, <Linux Host Name>
To initialize the MATLAB rosnode, please run the following commands when connecting to the network:
>>rosinit('<Linux Host Name', 'NodeHost', '<Windows Host Name>')
You should then be able to subscribe and echo topics that are published over the network.