MATLAB: R2014b, where’d ‘TitleHandle’ go? uipanel

MATLABMATLAB Compilerr2014bgraphicsuipanel

I'm developing a GUI and recently updated to 2014b. I was using
hTitle = get(handles.uipanel,'TitleHandle');
newPos = get(hTitle,'position') + [0,0,20,0];
set(hTitle,'style','checkbox','Callback', {@Adv1_SelectionCb,handles},'pos',newPos);
which successfully converted the title of a uipanel to a checkbox. In 2014b however, there is no longer access to the hidden property "TitleHandle". I tried a few different ways to findobj() for this handle but have not been successful.
>> How can I gain access to a uipanel title handle, so that I may change the style to ___ (check/radio/..) <<
Thank you!

Best Answer

close all
panel = uipanel('position',[0.5 0.5 0.2 0.2],'parent',gcf)
cbox = uicontrol('style', 'checkbox', 'String', 'sneaky')
cbox.Position = [290 285 60 20]
This is proof of concept for what you want.