MATLAB: R2011b Prints script name in Command Window

annoyingcommand windowMATLABr2011bscript

When I execute a script from the editor (hitting run or F5), MATLAB prints the name of the script into the Command Window as if I ran the script via the Command Window. It's very annoying for some of the scripts that I use as I need them to output some results into the Command Window. Sometimes I change variables within the script and re-execute, printing out the updated results. It is now very difficult to compare the results with the script name on every other line. Any way to turn this off, or do I have to downgrade (annoying enough to do so)?
Here's what it looks like in the Command Window:
>> Tsolver_12302011
Initial Temp=311, Final Temp=217.932
>> Tsolver_12302011
Initial Temp=300, Final Temp=197.021
Thanks in advance,

Best Answer

Phil - Sorry that this change has been disruptive to your workflow. We made the change intentionally, motivated by precisely what Jan wrote. There is not currently a way to turn off this behavior.
As a workaround, you could use the "Evaluate entire file" button on the second row of the editor toolbar (along with the other buttons for evaluating one cell at a time). If this button doesn't appear, you can right-click on the toolbar to customize it and add the button back.
Hope this helps! - scott