MATLAB: R2010b rng(‘shuffle’) equivalent

r2010brandom number generatorrandstreamrngseed

My university's cluster has MATLAB R2010b on a linux platform. So everytime I run a script it starts MATLAB session, runs my code, and closes it. I generate random number inside the code and the result is the same random number everytime. I browsed online and found extensive documentation helping one to achieve reproducibility. But I want the exact opposite. Of course, running the script again and again in the same MATLAB session generates different random nos. But that isn't the solution I'm looking for. I start a new session everytime to run the script.
In short, I'm looking for rng('shuffle') equivalent in R2010b.

Best Answer

Here it is (Note: You'll see why it changed in future releases, haha):
stream = RandStream('mt19937ar','seed',sum(100*clock));
- Sebastian