MATLAB: Quiet sound after save


I have a problem when I play the sound in matlab is ok, I create a wav file and when I play this file I can barely hear the sound. I use audiowrite(filename,y,Fs);

Best Answer

This leaves some space for interpretations.
  • Are your earphones connected but you expect the sound to come from the speakers?
  • Is the sound stores in y very silent? See max(abs(y)) and class(y)
  • If the frequency Fs is chosen such, that the sound cannot be played by your speaker or heard by you? The frequency of the signal in y matters also.
  • Do you try to play the sound in an external player program, but its sound output is disabled?
So please post the code you use to create the signal and attach the sound file. Mention if you can hear the signal using sound and which software you use to play the sound. Can you use this tool to hear any other sound files with the expected level?