MATLAB: Question about using randperm in a loop

random number generatorrandpermsampling without replacement

I'm using randperm in a loop that's meant to generate unique random three-digit numbers to fill a 5×5 matrix, r, like this:
for i = 1:length(r)
r(1:5,i) = (randperm(900,5) + 99);
My question is:
Is there a possibility of repeating a number given the function is being called 5 times, once for each column? I want each number to be unique.

Best Answer

So, you want to sample 5 sets of 5 numbers, all from the same set, but you want them to be unique? (The technical description would be to sample without replacement.)
The point is, you already know how to sample 5 such numbers. So just sample 25 numbers!
r = reshape(randperm(900,25) + 99,[5 5]);
There is no reason to need a loop.