MATLAB: Question about euclidean distance.

3d euclidean distance

I want to find a function which can calculate the 3 dimension euclidean distance.
I have 9 arrays: Dx; Vx; ax; Dy; Vy; ay; Dz; Vz; az. the size of 9 arrays are the same.each array is 1*100000
the start point x0 =(Dx(1) Dy(1) Dz(1)) = (100 150 125)
How can I creat a function/script to run the following function:
x = Dx + Vx*t + 1/2*ax*t^2;
y = Dy + Vy*t + 1/2*ay*t^2;
z = Dz + Vz*t + 1/2*az*t^2;
t = 2; % it is fixed
L = ((x(n)-x(n-1))^2+(y(n)-y(n-1))^2+(z(n)-z(n-1))^2)^(1/2);
Thanks for your time and helping. 😀

Best Answer

This will do those equations:
function L = CalcDistance()
Dx = rand(1,100000);
Dy = rand(1,100000);
Dz = rand(1,100000);
Vx = rand(1,100000);
Vy = rand(1,100000);
Vz = rand(1,100000);
ax = rand(1,100000);
ay = rand(1,100000);
az = rand(1,100000);
t = 2; % it is fixed
x = Dx + Vx*t + 1/2*ax*t^2;
y = Dy + Vy*t + 1/2*ay*t^2;
z = Dz + Vz*t + 1/2*az*t^2;
dx = diff(x);
dy = diff(y);
dz = diff(z);
L = sqrt(dx.^2+ dy.^2+ dz.^2);
Of course you would not use rand(), you'd use the actual arrays, wherever you got them.