MATLAB: Question about automated driving toolbox(visualization result from radar and lidar)

automatedrivinglidarlidar labalerradar

I have fused sensor data from lidar and radar in rosbag, and in Lidar Labaler the point clouds from object vehicles can be tracked, but their data can only be read out in .mat. Now I would like to add the speed and acceleration data from radar as well, and finally display a visualization result. Which app in Matlab and code and how can I do it

Best Answer

As per my understanding, it is required to track the moving objects and use the detected speed and acceleration from the RADAR into the models and visualize it.
Refer to the Track-Level fusion of Radar and Lidar data from sensor Fusion and Tracking toolbox for your purpose.
You can look for more information on Tracking and sensor fusion from Automated driving toolbox.