MATLAB: Quantization HSV Space by assigning 8 level each to hue, saturation and value to give a quantized HSV space with 8x8x8=512 histogram bins

color quantizationhsv

I will try to quantize the HSV color space but I can not, can anyone help me please?
I want to Quantization HSV Space by assigning 8 level each to hue, saturation and value to give a quantized HSV space with 8x8x8=512 histogram bins.

Best Answer

Here is an example of quantization of the HSV colorspace
clc; close all;
rgbImage = imread('peppers.png');
hsvImage = rgb2hsv(rgbImage);
montage(hsvImage,'Size', [1, 3]); title('Before Quantization'); colorbar;
threshRGB = multithresh(hsvImage, 8);
threshForPlanes = zeros(3, 8);
for i = 1:3
threshForPlanes(i, :) = multithresh(hsvImage(:, :, i), 8);
quantPlane = zeros(size(hsvImage));
for i = 1:3
value = [0 threshForPlanes(i, 2:end) 1];
quantPlane(:, :, i) = imquantize(hsvImage(:, :, i), threshForPlanes(i, :), value);
quantPlane = double(rescale(quantPlane, 0, 1));
figure; montage(quantPlane, 'Size', [1,3]); title('After Quantization');
colormap(parula(8)); colorbar;
Hope this helps!