MATLAB: Quadroot and quadratic equation

else ifquadraticquadroot

I need some help with this problem…MATLAB gives me an error when I use "quadroot".
Use the if...elseif...else...end flow control structure to write a function m-file that solves for the real roots x1, x2 of the quadratic equation y=ax2+bx+c. Your function should be defined as follows:
function x = quadroot(a,b,c)
in which the input arguments a,b,c are the coefficients of the quadratic equation (assume a~=0) and the output argument x is a vector containing the two roots x(1) and x(2). In the case of complex roots, your function should assign the real portion of the roots to x(1) and x(2). Name your submitted file quadroot.m. You may assume that the values of the input arguments passed to your function are double precision real numbers.

Best Answer

"Function definitions are not permitted in this context" happens if you try to put a function in the same file as a script. Functions can only go in the same file as other functions. If you have test code to invoke the function, then that test code should either be a function itself or should be in a different file.