MATLAB: Quadratic-​Equation-C​onstrained Optimization


Dear all,
I am trying to solve a bilevel optimization as follows,
I then transformed the lower-level optimization with KKT conditions and obtained a new optimization problem:
The toughness is the constraint . I am wondering whether there exists a solver that can efficient deal with this constraint?
Thank you all in advance.

Best Answer

There is
but only for linear objective function.
You migh iterate on by relaxing succesively the cone constraint and second order objective like this
while not converge
x1 = quadprog(...) % ignoring tau change (remove it as opt variable)
x2 = coneprog(...) % replace quadratic objective (x2'*H*x2 + f'*x2) by linear (2*x1'*H + f')*x2
until converge
Otherwise you can always call FMINCON but I guess you already know that?
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