MATLAB: Putting random values in for loop

for loop

Hi everyone
I am writing a program in which i am using the following loop.
for t = 1:1:81;
vv(t) = floor(+1*120*sin(2*pi*(t-1)/40));
The vales of vv are like 0,18,37…… However, i found that my program has some instability due to jumping directly from vv = 0 to vv = 18. Therefore, my intention is to keep the inputs for the loop as it is (otherwise it gets too long to run), but to put few more input values for vv. for example I want to start with 0, 1, 5, 9, 14, 18,37,……. Hence i need to put those 4 values in between 0 and 18 to bring stability into the result. Can anyone please help me.
Thanks in advance

Best Answer

Do what Matt suggested:
VV = floor(+1*120*sin(2*pi*(t-1)/40));
Then add your extra values into VV:
VV = [VV(1) 1 5 9 14 VV(2:end)];
Then run your loop
for i=1:numel(vv) % presumably 85
vv = VV(i);
% your other code