MATLAB: Putting marks on uicomponent slider


I'm using a slider that I create as shown below, I want to put marks on the slider (small dots or tick marks separate from the labels) that represent an event occurring. I wish to put the dots at certain times on the slider (not evenly spaced). Is there a way to do this on the actual slider while keeping the current MajorTickSpacing as is? I know that I could just put another panel above the slider but I'd like to keep it on the slider if possible. gui.slider = uicomponent('style','slider', … 'enabled', 0, 'value',0, … 'Paintlabels',1,'PaintTicks',1, 'Orientation',0, … 'StateChangedCallback', @adjust_slider, … 'KeyPressedCallback', @key_press, … 'Position', [0, 0, 425, 50], … 'MajorTickSpacing', 20);

Best Answer

I understand that you are referring to the File Exchange Submission on MATLAB Central. For any questions with the above, please contact the author directly.