MATLAB: Put nested structure into another structure


Below I have a function that returns a struct ( my actual code has many functions as methods in an object that return similar data).
function out = get_results1 = "result1";
mystruct.value = 23;
mystruct.unit = 'mph';
out = mystruct;
However I have some functions that return more than one result.. for example:
function out = get_results2 = {"result1"; "result2"};
mystruct.value = {23; 34 };
mystruct.unit = 'mph';
out = mystruct;
My goal is to comebine the results of all of these functions into a table like the following:
a = get_results1();
b = get_results2();
combined = [a, b];
mytable = struct2table(combined);
however this will not work because of inconsistent sizes… Could someone tell me the following:
1) Should I restructure my functions to provide a different output?
2) Is there another way pull out the nested structures from the functions that have multiple results?

Best Answer

Why not go directly to a table array?
a = maketable("result1", 23, "mph");
b = maketable(["result1"; "result2"], [23; 34], ["mph"; "mph"]);
c = [a; b]
function T = maketable(name, value, unit)
T = table(name, value, unit);
You could be a little more sophisiticated and avoid the need to duplicate the units by checking inside maketable if you need to repmat one or more of the variables (for scalar expansion) or you could call maketable more frequently.
a = maketable("result1", 23, "mph");
b = [a; maketable("result1", 23, "mph")];
c = [b; maketable("result2", 34, "mph")]
function T = maketable(name, value, unit)
T = table(name, value, unit);