MATLAB: Put length “ginput” above the line

value ginput above it

Hello… I want to illustrate my question by a picture like this I make the line using "ginput", and i get length of the line by this code..
% Initially, the list of points is empty.
xy = [];
n = 0;
% disp('Left mouse button picks points.')
% disp('Right mouse button picks last point.')
but = 1;
while but == 1
[xi,yi,but] = ginput(1);
n = n+1;
xy(:,n) = [xi;yi];
% Plot the interpolated curve.
% ---------------------------
pjgAsli = sum(sqrt(diff(xy(1,:)).^2 + diff(xy(2,:)).^2));
the length of the line is "pjgAsli".. How i can put this value above the line..?? Thank you.. ^^

Best Answer

% Aquire locations
dX = -10; % Text horizontal offset, change to adjust
dY = 10; % Text height offset, change to adjust
xLocation = mean([xy(1,1) xy(1,2)]);
yLocation = mean([xy(2,1) xy(2,2)])+dY;
% Make a text string, change unit, to desired unit
textString = sprintf('%2.2f units',pjgAsli);
% Write text to figure*
th = text(xLocation, yLocation, textString);
  • The 'th' part is to easily acces the text later. It's not strictly needed.