MATLAB: Put data into a matrix contained in a cell


I made the following cell:
and was under the impression that the [2,2] term in position 7 in the cell was a 2×2 matrix. When I try to put values into the cell, ie:
I get the following error: The right hand side of this assignment has too few values to satisfy the left hand side.
This leads me to believe that the [2,2] in my cell assignment does not actually create a matrix in the cell, but does something else entirely. No matter how many values I try to feed on the right hand side of the above, I still get the error.
Can anyone enlighten me?

Best Answer

Your expression is not correct, you cant write
Why do you think that [2,2] is a 2x2 matrix? obviously, it's a 1x2 vector
Can you explain what are you expecting as result?