MATLAB: Pushbutton to save or print content of an handles


Hi everybody! Anyone knows how to set a print/save button?? I inserted an Edit Text space (Enabled as inactive) to use it like a display to show results of my statistics… I'd like to set pushbuttons to print or save in a file the results I see in that space… It's possible?? How can I do it??
Image Analyst and Chandra advised me to use fprintf to "save" my statistics, and what if I wanted to save or print a chart?? There're any possibilities??

Best Answer

You can use GUIDE to make a GUI. In the callback for your pushbutton, put the code to save whatever you want to save. It might be calling save() to save variables to a proprietary format MAT file, it could use fwrite() to write a binary file, fprintf() to write a text file, csvwrite() or clmwrite(), imwrite() to write an image, or export_fig to save a screenshot. If you just want to save some text you sent to an edit field then I'd probably use fprintf() to write it out to a regular flat text file.
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