MATLAB: Pushbotton which can not be controled with a ‘Pause’ command.


I hope someone can help me with this. I've made a GUI and what it does is: when the user press button 1 it ask's the user to choose a wav file. If they press button 2, there is a denoiser which removes some ambient noise included in the files. And then if they press button 3, it starts to play the wav file in segments of 5 seconds.
In my code, I included a 'Pause' command in the point of segmenting the wav in 5 seconds window, which works when im running the code without the gui figure. Supose this button 3 is called 'Next sample' and what i want is the user press that button and hear the first 5 seconds. Then when he press again, the next 5 seconds are played and we can repeat this process until the wav file ends.
Now, my problem is: The user can play a sample of 5 seconds and then press the button of denoising again, and maybe he wants to continue hearing the next 5 seconds of the wav, that's why that 'pause' command is not working for what i want to do. What i need is to play 5 seconds and stay in that point but without that pause comand. Then whenever the user wants to play the next 5 seconds, he/she press the 'next sample' button again and hears the next 5 second.
Any ideas? I hope i explained the situation in a way you guys can understand me.

Best Answer

In the place you initialize indfin, set
handles.curseg = 1;
and at the end of that routine,
guidata(hObject, handles);
Then in the callback that you currently have the "for" loop, change to
i = handles.curseg; %new

if i <= length(indfin) %changed
[ysa,f,t,p] = spectrogram(next,2*1024,2*1000,512,fs);
axis xy; axis tight; colormap(jet); view(0,90);
ylabel('Frecuencia (Hz)');
drawnow(); %new
handles.curseg = i + 1; %new
and at the end of that routine,
guidata(hObject, handles); %new
This code does nothing when the end is reached; you will probably want to change that.