MATLAB: Push button on a table

MATLABmatlab gui

Hello. I'm having a problem with the push button. I opened and input dialog to ask how many rows I want in my table, and after that the table opens. The problem is that I want an OK button (or something like that), so after editing my table I can save that on a matrice to run some calculus. Is it possible to do that? Here is the what I've done yet.
% Number of rows
q = inputdlg('How many streams?');
% Opening figure
f = figure('Position', [125 125 400 400]);
% Creating uitable and editing it
t = uitable('Parent', f, 'Position', [25 25 350 350]);
set(t, 'ColumnName', {'Supply|Temperature|(°C)', 'Target|Temperature|(°C)', 'dT Min|(°C)', 'Heat Duty|(kW)'});
set(t, 'Data', zeros(str2double(q{1}),4));
set(t, 'ColumnEditable', [true true true true true])

Best Answer

something like:
uicontrol ( 'parent', f, 'style', 'pushbutton', 'position', [25 0 350 20], 'string', 'PUSH', 'Callback', {@MyCallBack} )