MATLAB: Pulling a specific element out of a cell

cellcell2datetimeclass conversiondatetimeextract elementstr2datetimestring

I have imported a file into my script which included a header. I was able to pull a specific line from my header that reads: ";Start_time, 2007-01-01, 00:48:23.729". This is now a 1×1 cell. I want to be able to indicate and use the date and time stamps separatly. How do I do this?

Best Answer

To convert an array of file names to datetime
d = {
';Start_time, 2007-01-01, 00:48:23.729'
';Start_time, 2007-02-01, 00:48:23.729'
';Start_time, 2007-03-01, 00:48:23.729'
';Start_time, 2007-04-01, 00:48:23.729'
';Start_time, 2007-05-01, 00:48:23.729'
';Start_time, 2007-06-01, 00:48:23.729'};
% Remove stuff at beginning
d = strrep(d, ';Start_time, ', '');
% convert to datetime (use 'Format' property to specify format of output)
dates = datetime(d,'InputFormat','yyyy-MM-dd, hh:mm:ss.S');
6×1 datetime array
01-Jan-2007 00:48:23
01-Feb-2007 00:48:23
01-Mar-2007 00:48:23
01-Apr-2007 00:48:23
01-May-2007 00:48:23
01-Jun-2007 00:48:23