MATLAB: Publish a HTML table on the fly


I'm trying to publish a HTML table which is generated on the fly as the code executes. I'm using GTHTMLtable (from file exchange) to generate the HTML code for my table but I cant find a way of displaying it correctly when I publish the script as a web page.
I've read over the HTML markup section of the help file and I understand how to display a static table but that means running the script and then manually copying the HTML table into a markup section and then running a publish…
Any suggestions?

Best Answer

I figured out what was wrong, in case someone else is having a similar problem it seems that you can only display html directly after the publish %% markup if you want it to be properly published...
So this works:
htmlTable = GTHTMLtable(...);
disp(['' htmlTable ']);
but this doesn't:
htmlTable = GTHTMLtable(...);
disp(['' htmlTable ']);
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