MATLAB: Proportional text font size, or editing font size when figure resize occurs

figurefont sizeguiresizestatic text

I've had some problems with this, and after looking online I've never really had a satisfactory answer to this.
What I want to do with my gui is set the static text size to a default size on a 720p monitor, with preset a figure position. I consider this my default, if the user has a different resolution, the text size is changed appropriately. I can get literally EVERYTHING else to change proportionally, and there isn't a problem with it. Text though is just a nuisance.
I would appreciate any advice on how to do this intelligently. I can manually resize the text size and wrap it if needed, but I want a fast, elegant way to do it dynamically on resize without manual processes. Is this possible?

Best Answer

get(0 , 'ScreenSize') % Gives the default screen size in pixels
get(0 , 'ScreenPixelsPerInch') % Gives the default Resolution
And if you want to get screen size in inches:
set(0 , 'Units' , 'Inch')
Hopefully this might help you