MATLAB: Programmatically turning on signal logging


I'm having a problem with programmatically turning on signal logging.
Specifically, I do the following sequence of commands.
  • 1.load_system([model name])
  • code that takes a list of signals and finds them in the model and programmatically turns on logging (commands execute without error).
  • 3. use find_system to get a list of handles for all logged signals (valid list is returned).
  • 4.open_system([model name])
  • 5.Navigate to logged signals – logged signals are not highlighted with the traditional icon
  • 6. use find_system to get a list of handles for all logged signals – an empty list is returned
I'm not sure what would be causing the above behavior. If the above was occurring, I would expect set_param/get_param to not be successful.
As an additional point, if I open up the model to the correct block and then run my log signals script – the appropriate icons appear.
The problem appears to be associated with turning on the signals when he system is invisibly loaded in the background.

Best Answer

I've solved this problem. When programmatically turning on logging, it appears to require that all configurable subsystems be "set" prior to turning on logs.
Specifically, my tool chain would not touch a block if the default configuration was appropriate (so set_param would not be used to force the block choice). Under this condition, signal logs would not be properly activated.
Explicitly using set_param to configure each block prior to programmatically turning on any signal logging resolved the problem.
In the original question posted above, I believe I was observing shifting of the handle parameters based on the setting of the configurable subsystem. More precisely, if the default configurable subsystem was used (block not explicitly chosen), the detected handles would be different from those handles generated when the configurable subsystem was fully loaded (fully loaded referring to the case where one has navigated directly into the configurable subsystem).
This is a little bit of an odd behavior and I'm not this post fully resolved the nuance of simulink's behavior in this regard - but the solution does work.