MATLAB: Programmatically hiding ‘linkdata’ information bar


When linkdata is activated for a figure (either by function call or by GUI button), an information bar is shown just below the toolbar.
It is possible to hide the information bar using the GUI, but how do hide it programmatically?

Best Answer

Had the same problem, you can control it using the datamanager.linkplotmanager:
dpm = datamanager.linkplotmanager;
The problem is that the datamanager.linkplotmanager figures don't reference the figure handle, so if the first plot you link data on is figure 5, in the datamanager it is listed as dpm.Figures(1). And it will remain dpm.Figures(1) until you close figure 5. I ended up simply making a for loop to close all the Panels on all my plots with linkdata on.
dpm = datamanager.linkplotmanager;
for xx = 1:1:length(dpm.Figures)