MATLAB: Programatically Delete UITree Nodes in App Designer

app designerMATLABuitreeuitreenode

In App Designer I have created a Tree structure and have programatically popoulated it with a 2-level heirarchy using the example code:
% First level nodes
category1 = uitreenode(t,'Text','Runners','NodeData',[]);
category2 = uitreenode(t,'Text','Cyclists','NodeData',[]);
% Second level nodes.
% Node data is age (y), height (m), weight (kg)
p1 = uitreenode(category1,'Text','Joe','NodeData',[40 1.67 58] );
p2 = uitreenode(category1,'Text','Linda','NodeData',[49 1.83 90]);
p3 = uitreenode(category2,'Text','Rajeev','NodeData',[25 1.47 53]);
p4 = uitreenode(category2,'Text','Anne','NodeData',[88 1.92 100]);
I need to update some of these categories and overwrite with new data. Is there any way to programatically clear the whole Tree structure or delete individual nodes? I can't find anything in the documentation that suggests this is possible.

Best Answer

To delete all of the nodes and subnodes within tree t, delete(t.Children).
It is also possible to edit the properties of existing nodes, e.g. properties of category1