MATLAB: Processing signal

signalsignal processing

hi sir,
i got the voltage samples of three phases
sir how to segment these voltage samples
thanku sir

Best Answer

Can you please answer the following questions?
  1. Are the samples stored in a data file, or have you already brought them into the MATLAB Workspace?
  2. If in a data file, what is the format of the file?
  3. If in the Workspace, what is (are) the name(s) of the variable(s) in which the data is stored? How many rows and columns are in each variable?
  4. How many samples do you have for each of the three phases?
  5. What is the sampling rate of the data?
  6. What do you mean by the term "segment"?
  7. What types of computations and/or visualizations do you want to do with the data?
  8. Are you using MATLAB or Simulink (or both)?
  9. What Toolboxes and Blocksets do you have?
I would be happy to help you if you can provide all of this information.
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