MATLAB: Processing live video feed with Computer Vision Package

computer visionComputer Vision ToolboxImage Acquisition Toolboxlive feedMATLABvideo devicevisonwebcam

I am looking to process a live video stream using MATLAB's computer vision library. The program I am running is currently using the vison.VideoFileReader() function to read from a .avi file.
I am hoping to change the the program to read from a live video feed from a USB webcam. I was wondering if anyone has done anything similar or has any advice on how I might go about implementing this.

Best Answer

Absolutely. If you have Image Acquisition Toolbox, you can do this with imaq.VideoDevice. If you're on a Windows computer, the 'winvideo' adaptor name will let you do this.
Once you have your frame, the same code you had for your .avi file will hold.
- Sebastian