MATLAB: Process raw data using lowpass filter

filterlowpass filtersignal processing

I have a excel file with raw data containg 1200 rows and 2 columns named A and B. I'm try to apply a lowpass filter on the signal but looks like its not working, hopefully someone on here may have time to guide me to the right direction.
here is what I did so far:
imported data as a table -> created a script -> inside of the script -> load rawdata.csv
% sampling frequency [Hz]
Fs = 1000;
% sampling period [s]
Ts = 1/Fs;
% time vector [s]
t = 0:Ts:3;
% Signal A
sig_A = rawdata(:,1);
% Signal A
sig_B = rawdata(:,2);
order = 4;
fcut = 8000;
[sig_A,sig_B] = butter(order,fcut/(fs/2),'low');
x = filter(sig_A,sig_B);

Best Answer

You are confusing the filter coefficient with the raw signal.
Try this:
[b,a] = butter(order,fcut/(fs/2),'low');
sig_a_filt = filter(b, a, sig_A );
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