MATLAB: Problems with while loop

while loop

Hi, I have a problem, I want the subtraction d1 to be less than 1 * 10 ^ -15 after several iterations, but the program stays busy.

Best Answer

"Hi, I have a problem, I want the subtraction d1 to be less than 1 * 10 ^ -15 after several iterations, but the program stays busy."
Well you cannot demand floating point error to be that small.
Double IEEE has about 15 digits relative precision. You compare B1 to (y/k0) which is -7699432.66755457. The most you can demand is error is about
>> tol = eps(y/k0)
tol =
So if you replace the break condition by
tol = eps(y/k0);
while tt>tol
your while loop will stop.