MATLAB: Problems with the function plot


Dear workers,
I have got two computers in which is installed the same version of Matlab(R2016b).
When I run
in one of the two computer I do not see anything. The other computer, instead, is able to represent this plot, so I can see all the points. Why?

Best Answer

Somehow, setting to opengl renderer after Matlab starts causes an issue. I could replicate the bug if I do opengl software first, and then trying to plot. Switching the renderer to painters restores the dots.:
%Replicating the error like this: (Open MATLAB from start)
opengl software
Gx = figure;
plot(x,y,'.') %empty, no dots are showing
set(Gx, 'renderer', 'painters'); %dots reappear
Looks like setting renderer to opengl could cause that issue. To fix, you could just set default renderer to painters via:
set(0, 'defaultFigureRenderer', 'painters')
OLD ANSWER (for the figure not showing at all)
My attempt to answer this vague problem is - one computer has set the default figure visibility to off, hence it plots but does not show anything.
To check this:
get(0, 'DefaultFigureVisible') %should be 'on'. If not, fix it.
To fix this:
set(0, 'DefaultFigureVisible', 'on')
close all %to make sure any invisible plots are closed before trying to plot again.
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