MATLAB: Problems with showing geolocated data with geoshow. Error in Zdata

Mapping ToolboxMATLABnetcdf

Hi. I have a number of netCDF files containing geolocated satellite data that I need to plot and analyze, but I’m having some difficulties doing so. For example I have a file called containing optical cloud thickness for a specific time. This is how I try to open and read it:
netCDF_info = ncinfo('');
lat = ncread('','lat');
lon = ncread('','lon');
cot = ncread('','cot');
And at this point everything works and I have one variable “lat” with 3600 latitude values from -90° to +90°. Another one called “lon” also with 3600 values from -90° to +90° and finally a variable called “cot” with 3600×3600 values for cloud thickness.
If I understand the documentation behind the mapping toolbox correctly this should be a simple matter of using “geoshow(lat,lon,Z)”, which in this case would be “ geoshow(lat,lon,cot) ”. But when I do this I get the error:
Warning: Error creating or updating Surface
Error in value of property ZData
Array is wrong shape or size
Which I don’t really understand, to me the array seems to have exactly the correct shape. What am I doing wrong here? I should also mention that there are some gaps in the cot variable that are “NaN” if I look inside the variable, could that be the problem or am I just doing something fundamentally wrong with the geoshow? Maybe it is that my data isn’t covering the entire globe and geoshow expects it to do so?

Best Answer

Use meshgrid.
[latgrid,longrid] = meshgrid(lat,lon);