MATLAB: Problems with kmeans clustering


OI have used the following code to segment the attached image. But each iteration on the same image shows different result. How can i solve this by using rng('default'); ?

Best Answer

Looking at your code, you should be able to put the line
literally anywhere before the call to kmeans, because you do not call any other random number functions. But the safest bet might be to call it in the line just before the call to kmeans, in case you do something differently later.
But, also, I don't think you put 'default' in the actual kmeans call. So it should be like this ...
%k-means clustering algorithm
imData = reshape(Y,[],1);
imData = double(imData);
[IDX nn] = kmeans(imData);
imIDX = reshape(IDX,size(Y));
figure, imshow(imIDX,[]),title('Image after applying k-means Clustering Algorithm');
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