MATLAB: Problems with a for loop

for loopMATLAB

Hello everybody,
I hope, someone can help me. I am desperate about it right now.
I'm trying to implement the following mathematical formula:
tmp = ck * C_1 + ckk * C_2 + ckkk * C_3 + ckkkk * C_4
C_1 to C_4 are fixed values. Now different index combinations are to be tested and these are to be saved. The sum tmp should only occur up to a certain threshold value. A small example:
tmp (1) = 0 * C_1 + 0 * C_2 + 0 * C_3 + 0 * C_4
tmp (2) = 1 * C_1 + 0 * C_2 + 0 * C_3 + 0 * C_4
tmp (3) = 2 * C_1 + 0 * C_2 + 0 * C_3 + 0 * C_4 …
tmp (xx) = 0 * C_1 + 1 * C_2 + 0 * C_3 + 0 * C_4
tmp (xxx) = 2 * C_1 + 1 * C_2 + 1 * C_3 + 4 * C_4
tmp (n)
The output should be a matrix with the individual indices.
I have the following code, but I also got the problems, that it won't start at zero.
clear all
G = sort([4.3,10,0.5,6],2);
[numRows,numCols] = size(G);
F = 7;
limit = 3 * F;
n = 0;
for ck = 1:limit
for ckk = 1:limit
for ckkk = 1:limit
for ckkkk = 1:limit
firstC = G(1);
secondC = G(2);
thirdC = G(3);
fourthC =G(4);
tmp = (ck-1)*firstC + (ckk-1)* secondC + (ckkk-1) * thirdC + (ckkkk-1)*fourthC;
if tmp<limit
n = n+1;
N(n) = tmp;
disp([' N( ' num2str(n) ') = ' num2str(ck) '*' num2str(firstC) '+' num2str(ck) ' * ' num2str(secondC) '+' num2str(ckk) ' * ' num2str(thirdC) '+' num2str(ckkk) '*' num2str(fourthC)]);

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