MATLAB: Problems with a down arrow displaying in a plot

\downarrowlatex interpreterMATLABplotting

Hello Community,
I have recently re-run a bit of code to display a plot, and there is an error that has occurred without my changing the code. In the plot text, there was a 'down arrow' showing, but now, the syntax '\downarrow' appears in its place. Ive looked on Mathworks and I think there is a problem associated with a service pack (though I may be wrong on this!).
I have also tried to set LateX interpreter to 'on', code below:
% Turn on LateX Interpreter
then run the following text command:
% Create text
text('Parent',subplot2,'String',{'\downarrow 1(D)'},...
'Position',[35.2026613558799 5703.42205323194 0]);
but I still get the following error:
Warning: Error updating Text.
Character vector must have valid interpreter syntax:
\downarrow 1(D)
Could any kindly soul advise on how I can workaround this please?

Best Answer

Like this?
text(35.02,5703.42,'$\downarrow 1(D)$','Interpreter','latex')