MATLAB: Problems multiplying two variables


For some reason when my code multiplies two variables it is making the answer much larger than it actually is? For example it calculates 2*5 as being 2650 instead of just 10, I've shown a sample of my code below:
BR = input('Bridge instruments power rating = ', 's');
BT = input('Average time of bridge instruments usage = ', 's');
BE = BR*BT*3600 %Energy used by bridge instruments in kJ
In this example if BR is 5 and BT is 2, it calculates BE as being 9540000
I realise I must be making a simple mistake is it possible for anyone to help?

Best Answer

Alfie - look closely at your use of input. You have added the parameter 's' which means that your BR and BT will be strings and not numbers. One way around this is to just do the conversion from string to number using str2double as
BR = str2double(input('Bridge instruments power rating = ', 's'));
BT = str2double(input('Average time of bridge instruments usage = ', 's'));
or, remove the 's'.