MATLAB: Problems in saving GUI’s handles structure


I made a GUI using nested functions (without GUIDE). It has some Edit, pushbuttons and a chart. The GUI works well as I run it, but I would like to save it as figure and than be able to modify it in the future. I am new to GUI's programming, but I red that I should update the handles structure with the new handles (buttons and so on) using guidata function but it doesn't work. It look like the new handles are not saved in the structure. Here is just a piece of code, to show what I did with one of the handles, I hope someone can help me.
if true
function Gann5
scnsize = get(0,'ScreenSize');
f = figure('Toolbar','none','position',[0,0,scnsize(3),scnsize(3)]);
handles.hfreq = uicontrol('Style','popupmenu',...
I tried putting a brekpoint and the handles struct. contains hfreq too, but if I run without breakpoints and then I tipe on the command window:
The handle structior does not contain hfreq. I'm sorry if it is a stupid question but I am stuck on this.
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

The function guihandles creates a struct using the tags of the graphic objects as fieldnames and the handles of the objects as values. But the guidata function stores a struct in the figure's ApplicationData. Therefore the replies of these two functions are not directly related.
Try this instead to find the hfreq field:
data = guidata(gcf)
It increases the confusion level, that TMW decided to call the struct for storing GUI related data "handles" also as default.