MATLAB: Problems in running deployed tool

installationMATLAB Compilerpackageruntime

I have compiled a matlab program and built it as a package with 64 bit matlab runtime compiler. when i run the tool (Matlab runtime compiler not installed) the tool pulls data from MySQL server but does not show the plot(output) that is supposed to come in a separate window. Then I installed the 32 bit 7.17 r2012a matlab compiler. still the tool wont give output. is the problem not having the 64 bit runtime compiler installed. But whenever I try to run the set up package of the runtime compiler 64 bit, either the progress stops at 2% or 52%. I am using a i7 machine with 8 gb ram. OS is win 7 ultimate. Is there any specific bug known that causes the issue?

Best Answer

Hi Walter Thanks A lot.
The probem is solved. basically the statistical test needed the data file containing critical values which was in toolbox folder. Once that was attached it was fine.
Regards, Abhishek