MATLAB: Problem with vxipnp driver


Recently, I connected to the ZVB8 instrument of Rodhe&Schwarz and I was able to execute some commands.
But, I don't know why, suddenly it stopped working a week ago. I tried a lot of things, and even I formatted my computer to start again, but it didn't worked. I'm using a code that works in other computers, but I can't understand why is not working for me.
First, I select the compiler using mex -setup
Then I can see that the driver is installed correctly instrhwinfo('vxipnp', 'rszvb')
Then I create the driver makemid('rszvb', 'zvb8driver')
To connect, I execute deviceObj = icdevice('zvb8driver.mdd', 'TCPIP::');
(or deviceObj = icdevice('zvb8driver.mdd', 'TCPIP::'); or deviceObj = icdevice('zvb8driver.mdd', 'TCPIP:: devicename ::INSTR');)
And then I get the next error:
Error using icdevice/connect (line 113) The VXIplug&play driver could not connect to the instrument using the specified resource. If this error is not an instrument error, use MIDEDIT to inspect the driver.
This worked for me a week ago, but not now.
I have Matlab 2013b 64 bits, visa 5.3, visual studio professional 2010 (I think only exists the 32 bits version because it can compile to 64 bits architectures), the IVI shared components 2.2.1 64 bits and the rszvb drivers for 64 bits provided by rodhe&schwarz. These are theoretically the requirements according to Rodhe application note "How to use Rohde&Schwarz instruments in Matlab".
Do anyone knows what can be happening and the solution?
Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

After all, I discovered that I was working in a different drive (d:) than the one where the IVI, VISA, etc. were installed, and the problem disappears when I execute deviceObj = icdevice('zvb8driver.mdd', 'TCPIP::'); and connect(deviceObj); in c:
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