MATLAB: Problem with using randsample

random number gene...random number generatorrandom selectionrandsample

Hi, I have a set that its members change in a loop and I want to select just one member of it randomly and evaluate the result. the written code is as below:
CandidateNode = randsample(UnvisitedNode,1);
it works good but sometimes its result is not acceptable. for example when UnvisitedNode=[3] running this code have different result. sometimes CandidateNode=[1], sometimes CandidateNode=[2] and sometimes CandidateNode=[3] how could I fix it? tanx in advanced

Best Answer

When the first parameter of randsample is a single number k, the assumption is that you want a random sample from the integers 1:k. It looks like you will have to check numel(UnvisitedNode) and return its value when numel=1.
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