MATLAB: Problem with uipanel GUi matlab

gui figureguideuipanel

Hi there !
I am a problem which is starting to get on my nerve but can't find a solution. I created a GUI that works perfectly. ~ When I process it, I have a panel that shows at the button ( not entirely on the window, just the top of it). When I go into my GUI figure, it's not there.
So basically I have a " phantom panel" which I would like to delete, but does not appear in my GUI Figure.
Is there a command to list all panels created in the GUI figure, or something similar to this?

Best Answer

That "panel" string is associated with the bottom left panel called "Change of values". Delete it and rebuilt it again. Besides that, as I mentioned in the comment above, the whole GUI seems to have several hidden object under visible objects. That's why the images you presented above do not match (see for example the 4 push buttons in the main panel of the GUIDE in contrast with the 5 in the interface, all with no matching names). Depending on the hierarchy set when building the GUI, some objects are visible when the gui is run instead of those visible when the *.fig is opened in GUIDE mode. If I were you, I would revise the whole gui. As I said previously, there seem to be several panels on top of each other, are they of any use to you?